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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Design of Wireless Controlled Artificial Arm for Stroke Survivors Using MEMS Technology and Health Assist Systems
N. Mangayarkarasi. M.E. AP
Abstract: the main objective of this artificial arm is to replace, as close as possible, the functional capacity formerly held by limb deficientperson. The art of life is to show your arm and Hand. Various existing designs are available based on mechanical, electrical and electro-mechanical. In all such existing designs remain the numerous drawbacks, such as complex mechanical setup, sensitive sensors and improper recognition of objects. Another factor that includes with it is cost which is basically on the higher side. In this paper, we design anartificial arm with lightweight materials with tilt function, which enable to do the basic operation such as lifting the arm and to monitor the blood flow movement. These operationsare identified and controlled based on surface MEMS accelerometer which is fixed on another non affected arm. This will reducethe cost and complexity of the design. This can be improved further for more operations.
Keywords: Mems controlled arm
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
Pages: 1608 - 1612
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