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Research Paper | Agricultural Economics | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Marketing Strategies of Organic Rice On Sri Makmur Farmer Group in Sragen District
Lutfi Zulkifli, Rita Nurmalina, Tanti Novianti
Abstract: The objectives of this research are to determine the factors that affect the marketing of organic rice strategic priorities and make recommendation based alternative program strategies. The method research uses internal and external environment analysis, formulation strategy using SWOT analysis, weighting priority strategy through the preparation of hierarchy based on the SWOT framework (A'WOT) and the program recommendation made by the strategic architecture model. Based on the research are obtained 4 strength factors, 6 weakness factors, 4 opportunities factors and 3 threats factors. The Implication of alternative strategies is divided into two groups, where is 15 programs recommendation that run gradually and regularity.
Keywords: Organic Rice, Marketing Strategy, Sri Makmur Farmer Group, AWOT
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016
Pages: 1206 - 1212
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