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Research Paper | Agricultural Engineering | Kenya | Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Conversion of Rice Husks into an Energy Source through Gasification Technology
Onchoke Ismail, Mutwiwa Urbanus, Hunja Murage, Ochieng Francis
Abstract: Kenya generates about 20 metric tonnes of rice husks which currently presents a burden to the environment in its disposal. Disposal usually is by burning or used to fill potholes or thrown by the roadside. With the foregoing, positive utilization of the rice husks in a gasifier stove as a fuel energy source will present a cheap, environment friendly and renewal alternative. The rice husks properties were determined from samples collected from Mwea rice mills (MRM). A gasifier stove to suit the fuel properties and the energy needs of a family of six in Mwea was then developed using locally available materials. Performance of the stove was tested using Water Boiling Test (WBT) and Controlled Cooking Test (CCT). The results of one-way analysis of variance at 5 % level of significance shows no significant difference in moisture content of fresh rice husks samples (p>0.05) while there is a significant difference in the bulk density (p
Keywords: Biomass, carbonisation, gasifier stove, rice husks
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Pages: 1264 - 1268
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