Rural Agriculture and Hilly Areas: A Case Study AkoleTahsil in Ahmednagar District, M.S, India
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Social Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10


Rural Agriculture and Hilly Areas: A Case Study AkoleTahsil in Ahmednagar District, M.S, India

Dr. Khemnar Shivaji Bhagwan

Abstract: Agriculture is a primary occupation of human being. It plays an important role for stable and economically sound life of human. It is a science of growing different crops from the land. In prehistoric period, human was attracted towards the rivers in search of water. They started to grow crops according to traditional ways. Now a day, the agriculture sector has become wider and developed new techniques. Agriculture is depending on water, soil, weather and such natural resources. Nature has provided various resources for agriculture. Our basic needs like food, shelter and cloth are totally depending on agriculture, man of the rural areas aagriculture is an important occupation for almost all the countries. Even though the developed, developing or undeveloped countries, agriculture playing a critical role for overall development. Many scholars have already devoted at large to highlight the important role and changes in agrarian sector. In historical period study of Alexander Von Humboldt, Arther Young, and Von Thunen have provided their large contributions. In India Dr. Swaminathan, Dr. Bhatiya, Prof. B. C. Vaidya, Prof. Praveen Saptarshi, Dr. Ramchandra Sable and other have focused the importance of agriculture. Depending on weather conditions, agriculture is categorized into following categories i. e. Intensive Agriculture, Subsistence Farming, Extensive Agriculture, Plantation Agriculture and Mixed Farming. In Asian countries, there is increasing trend of population and facing limited scope of agriculture land, thats why they practicing subsistence Agriculture. Rice crop is taken twice or thrice in a year. Farmers are producing Sugarcane, Wheat, Soybean, Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Vegetables, Fruits, Fodder, Floriculture crops etc. The region which has Monsoon rainfall with irrigation facility is popular and known for cash crop production. Small land size, large dependent population and more than 60 % of land depends on monsoon rainfall. Availability and continuous supply of water is very important for any crop. Without water, life is impossible. All living things, trees, animals, are depends on water. So use of water use should be proper. Due to globalization in 21st century there is increase in population rapidly. The demand of water for various purposes is increasing day by day. It is predicted that in upcoming 25 years, there will be extra use of water for farming or agriculture purpose. So use of water in proper way is important.

Keywords: Rural Agriculture, Hilly Areas, Crop Pattern, Modern Techniques and Land utilization

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018

Pages: 1515 - 1518

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Dr. Khemnar Shivaji Bhagwan, "Rural Agriculture and Hilly Areas: A Case Study AkoleTahsil in Ahmednagar District, M.S, India", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 1515-1518,, DOI: