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Research Paper | Education Management | Tanzania | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Effect of Training on Employees? Performance: A Case of Institutions of Higher Learning in Arusha City, Tanzania
Juliana Mpeo Shem, Baraka Manjale Ngussa
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of job training on employee performance among Institutions of Higher Learning in Arusha City. The study employed questionnaire which was randomly distributed to 149 teaching and non-teaching staff and the responses were analyzedby using descriptive and inferential statistics. Before actual data collection, a pilot study was conducted at one institution which was not part of study sample where Cronbachs Alpha of greater than 0.7 in each category of the questionnaire was obtained, signifying that the instrument was reliable. Findings revealed that the level of employees performance effectiveness was high. This might be due to the fact that they were provided with regular training in terms of orientation, off-job training, on-job training and coaching/mentoring. The study further found no significant difference in performance of employees categorized according to gender and positions. It was also revealed that orientation, off-job training, on-job training and coaching/mentoring, are positively correlated with job performance. Therefore, it was concluded that training is a key factor for improved performance as it enhances the level of employees, performance. Based on these findings, the study recommends that Institutions of Higher Learning should conduct training program on regular basis since this is a key factor that positively affects job performance effectiveness.
Keywords: Training, performance, institutions, Higher Learning, Arusha, Tanzania
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Pages: 1924 - 1930
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