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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
A New View on Method-calls and Contracts to Facilitate Developers in making their Design Decisions
Dr. G. Manoj Someswar, M. Ratna Raju
Abstract: Existing concepts are time tested and are used for the very purpose of integrity, reliability and accuracy. A comprehensive overview of these concepts helps the software developers to take appropriate decisions with a view to procure accurate results with successful implementation. Even reinventing things often opens a new angle and helps to gain a deeper understanding of the related topics. Calling a method of a component is a very basic process, but it is not as simple as it seems. Each method must be called by using the correct parameters and will often return a value or an object reference. There are a lot of possible reasons why a call may cause an error. Some of these reasons, like an incorrect signature, can be checked by the compiler. Other reasons cannot be checked by the compiler because it is not possible to specify them in the chosen language. As an instance for the problem in consideration, it is clearly indicative from the developers point of view that there is the possibility of occurence of dependencies in the used parameters due to the reason that there will be two integer parameters and the first parameter will be necessarily greater than the second one. There are other specific reasons for the occurrence of a possible error during a call which could necessarily be a busy device, an incorrect initialized object, a reference to a deleted object etc. The best thing a developer can be able to do is to clearly specify the behavior of the object when the call cannot be finished successfully. The behavior is defined by an exception, so that it is possible to react to this error. This research paper tries to open a new view on method-calls and contracts to facilitate developers in making their design decisions in the area of software engineering and design.
Keywords: deterministic call, nondeterministic call, method call, component, state, state machine, pseudo linear contract
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 2264 - 2273
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