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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Epoxy Resin Vs MBC Binder for GFRP Retrofit Structures
Raghavendra, V
Abstract: Retrofitting is a process of strengthening the structural components of a building using various techniques in order to make it a safe place for habitation. This paper deals mainly about the cost effective and efficient way of retrofitting the structural elements of a building using fiber reinforced polymer grids bonded with inorganic resin adhesives. Here, the conventionally used epoxy binder is replaced with mineral based composites (MBC) considering the health aspects of residents and workers, environmental pollution reduction and to achieve better performance during high temperatures. The strength achieved and performance yielded by bonding Fiber Reinforced Polymers with conventional epoxy resins and mineral based composite mortar are compared and contrasted in detail with suitable graphical representations to understand the concepts better. The mix proportion of various ingredients of MBC mortar with suitable references are discussed. From the results obtained, it is concluded that MBC binder gives almost equal strength when compared with epoxy binder but proves better at extreme temperatures, provides good insulation, resists acid attack and reduces health hazards of people thereby making this process, a better one.
Keywords: FRP, MBC, epoxy resin, retrofitting
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Pages: 185 - 189
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