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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Search Engine Optimization to Increase Website Visibility
Vignesh. J, Deepa. V
Abstract: Search engine optimization [SEO] is often about making modifications to parts of the website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with optimization technique, they could have noticeable impact on websites user experience and performance in search results. SEO requires considerable time, professional communicators should progressively apply these lessons in sequence presented in this paper and should keep up to date with frequently changing ranking algorithms and with the associated changing practices of the search engine optimization professionals. Search engine rankings are shaped by three classes of key logic participants namely, 1. Business logic, 2. Professional communicators, 3. End user logic. By using these key logics the optimization technique makes it easier for the users to search their web contents. It focuses only on general web search engine and the deliver lesson that professional communication can readily implement without any specialized technique. The key concepts introduces a theoretical framework for this to search engine optimization, describes how the approach was used to implement the three classes of stakeholders to shape the whole framework because it is easier for the audiences to find their web-content and websites through search engines. Search engine users of course hold the attention economys key commodity, their own attention, and confer it not only among the sites of contending web content creators but also among the search engine themselves, thereby compelling search engines to try to better accommodate users interests that search engines serve up among their top results.
Keywords: organic natural search, search engine optimization, social media, websites, page rank
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014
Pages: 425 - 430
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