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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Numerical Analysis to Determine the Distribution of Tool Forces and Temperatures of Single Point Cutting Tool
Maheshwari N Patil, Shreepad Sarange
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology to determine tool forces, distribution of temperatures to estimate distribution of stresses and deformation on the single point cutting tool in the process of metal cutting. In mechanism of metal cutting a cutting tool exerts a compressive force on the work piece. Under this compressive force the material of the work piece is stressed beyond its yield point causing the material to deform plastically and shear off. The sheared material begins to flow along the cutting tool face in the form of small pieces called chips. The flowing chips causes the wear of cutting tool. Heat is produced during shearing action the heat generated raises the temperature of tool, work and chips. The temperature rise in cutting tool tends to soften it and causes loss of keenness in the cutting edge leading to its failure. This temperature during metal cutting is to be maximum at the tip of the tool, is too measured by experimental set up and which are required as input to the software and analyzes the stresses and deformation on the single point cutting tool. Now manufacturing industries are mostly concentrating on a cost reduction. When it is not possible to reduce the fixed cost, it is necessary to concentrate on variable cost like electricity, cutting fluids, cotton waste, oil grease, welding rods, cutting tools etc.
Keywords: forces, temperatures, yield point, deform plastically, wear, analyses, stresses, deformation, variable cost
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Pages: 765 - 771
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