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Research Paper | Peace and Conflict Studies | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Nehru in the Eyes of His Critics: An Appraisal
Dr. Zafar Alam
Abstract: The policies which were evolved, adopted and executed by Nehru after the independence of India were well thought and well organized policies of that time. The usefulness of those policies can be better explained in the lights of criticisms made against Nehru and his policies. In this article Policy of Non-Alignment, China and India Relations in the context of Tibet and border issue between India and China and 1962 War are assessed. There are many who still blame Nehru for several reasons at national and international levels mainly for border showoff between India and China, about the Tibet and Kashmir issues. But critics hardly give attentions to the situations Nehru and India had been conditioned. What Nehru did at that time perhaps were the best options he preferred out of many choices of being aligned with power block instead of remaining non aligned etc. What he did surely it was not a temporary treatment of the problems rather he gave the idea of coexistence and the 'truth' might be difficult to be perused but it cannot be defeated at any cost. His efforts to defuse the towering conflicts around the world can be seen as the model for a world suffering from new challenges and conflicts. Though Nehru is not around us but his model for peace can still be a beacon to guide the misled world of today. His efforts to defuse the towering conflicts around the world can be seen as the model for a world suffering from new challenges and conflicts. This article reviews different sources to find out the issues raised against Nehru's approach towards China, the policy of nonalignment and principles of Panchsheel and tries to explain Nehru's standpoint against those criticism.
Keywords: Nehru, Policy of Non-Alignment, China, India, Tibet, Mac Mohan Line, 1962 War
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 1727 - 1728
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