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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
A Research on Pleural and Ascitic Fluid Cytology in Suspected Malignant Effusions with Special Reference on Cell Block Preparation
Dr Soumabrota Dutta, Dr Kapildev Mondal
Abstract: BackgroundPulmonary & gastrointestinal malignancy are life threatening problem. If we can detect those earlier by cell block preparation of astice fluid & pleural fluid cytology accurately then treatment will be started earlier, mortality & morbidity will be reduced. ObjectiveIn India pulmonary & gastrointestinal malignancy are increasing day by day. Our aim is to assess the role of cell block preparation to detect malignancy in suspected pleural effusion & astice fluid sample. Materials & methods This is a cross sectional, observational study performed from February 2012 to July 2013 in sskm hospital, kolkata. We collected pleural and ascetic fluids from patients attending sskm hospital with clinical suspicion of malignancy. Results Out of 48 cases 7 cases are diagnosed as malignant by both conventional smear and cell block methods, 31 cases are diagnosed benign by both the methods, 10 cases which are diagnosed benign by conventional smear, diagnosed malignant by cell block method. Out of 9 cases of malignant pleural effusions primary was known in 7 cases. In analysis of 8 cases of malignant ascitic fluid primary was detected in 5 cases. Conclusion Combined approach of conventional smears and cell block technique helps to get an additional diagnostic yield for malignancy in suspected pleural effusion and ascetic fluid samples. Cell block preparation, Aastice fluid, Pleural fluid. Author for Correspondence Dr. KAPILDEV MONDAL, Address- PILKHANA ROAD, RANIBAGAN, BERHAMPORE, MURSHIDABAD, WEST BENGAL, INDIA, Email ID- KAPILMONDAL980@Gmail. Com
Keywords: pleural effusionascitic fiuid, malignant, benigncell block
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Pages: 1043 - 1047
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