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Research Paper | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Bangladesh | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Biogas Generation Potential from Textile Wastewater: Aggregation Analysis of Hundred Textile Facilities in Greater Dhaka Bangladesh
Nadim Khandaker, Tauhidul Islam, Fazle Rabbi
Abstract: The intended mandate of this study was to highlight the untapped potential source of renewable energy and the associated lost economy. In this context this paper reports on a theoretical evaluation conducted to ascertain the potential of electricity generation from anaerobic wastewater stabilization from textile wastewater generated from textile processing facilities of 100 factories clustered around Dhaka city the capital of Bangladesh. The total energy generation capacity from the 100 factories by anaerobic stabilization of their wastewater would be 185538 KWh per day or a power generation capacity of 7.7 mega watts. In terms of monitory value this amounts to lost revenue of Taka 512 million or US dollars 6.6 million per year. This is a substantial energy and revenue source that is literally wasted down the drain and should be harnessed.
Keywords: Anaerobic treatment, Textile wastewater, Renewable energy
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017
Pages: 384 - 386
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