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Research Paper | Social Science | India | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Impact of Ethnic Segregation on Quality of Life in Ghettos & Enclaves (A Case Study of Okhla, Delhi)
Masoom Ahmed
Abstract: India is one of the largest Muslim populated countries in the world. Sachar committee report 2006 sparked a debate on the issue of Socio-Economic marginalization of Muslims & explicitly voiced their concern that ‘fearing for their security, Muslims are increasingly resorting to living in ghettos across the country’ (Sachar et al. , 2006, 14). Unlike other forms of residential clustering, segregation of Muslims in urban areas is thus an increasingly important concern as it impacts the overall human development in cities. There is a sharp disparity in the values of human development index due to ethnic segregation. Inequalities in human development pose a challenge to democratic cities. Thus there is an urgent need to understand & address the factors that gives rise to ethnic segregation in cities and how the correlation between the indicators of quality of life impacts the human development due to segregation.
Keywords: Ethnic Segregation, Quality of Life, Human Development, Ghettos & Enclaves, Marginalization
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020,
Pages: 662 - 668