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Survey Paper | Information Technology | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Survey on Re-encryption based Attribute Revocation in Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Cloud Storage
Kalyani G. Kotangale, Milind Penurkar
Abstract: In Services including private users, businesses and governments, Cloud Computing technologies are gaining importance at a very higher level. Cloud computing provides transparency, but sharing of resources at a distributed level has severe implications when sensitive or privacy-relevant data is concerned. To ensure the data security in cloud Data access control is an effective way. But due to the untrusted cloud servers, data access contoll becomes a challenging issue in cloud storage systems. However after attribute revocation if we have to provide security through re-encryption, then this is not given. In this paper we proposed re-encryption-based attribute revocation schemes by relying on a trusted server and we apply it as underlying techniques to design the data access control scheme. Our re-encryption method can efficiently provide both forward security and backward security.
Keywords: Data access control, Attribute Revocation, Re-encryption
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016,
Pages: 1208 - 1210