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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Multi Level Cryptographic Key Sharing for Secure Access and Authorization on Cloud Platforms
Kuldeep Singh, Amandeep Kaur
Abstract: Cloud computing is attracting the large user bases and now-a-days hosting the large sized application with heavy and complex calculation load. The cloud computing platforms are because being popular and user at large scales, they are also being favorite targets of the hacking groups. Some cloud computing application carry secure and personal data, which may affect the social image, security or economics of a nation, personnel, organization or other similar entities. Hence, there is always a strong requirement of the secure authorization & request and data exchange model. The security is continuous process, and the models are kept changing from time to time. Effective & Secure key management and distribution scheme play an important role for the data security in Cloud Computing. The cryptographic keys are used on different communication levels of Cloud Computing communications i. e. neighbor nodes, cluster heads and base stations. We proposed a new model presents improved key management architecture, called multi-level complex key exchange and authorizing model (Multi-Level CK-EAM) for the Cloud Computing, to enable comprehensive, trustworthy, user-verifiable, and cost-effective key management. In this research, we will develop the proposed scheme named Multi-Level CK-EAM for corporate key management technique adaptable for the Cloud Computing platforms by making them integral and confidential. To add more security, there is a next step which includes Captcha, user has to fill the correct given Captcha which eliminates the possibility of robot, botnet etc. In addition, it also has to be created in way to work efficiently with Cloud nodes, which means it must use less computational power of the Cloud computing platforms.
Keywords: Cloud Storage, Data Security, Cloud Computing, Data Encryption, Cryptographic Key, Security Attacks
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Pages: 376 - 380
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