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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
The Analysis of Telkom Flexi to Telkomsel Kartuas Flexi Migration Program's Effectivity as a Form of Consumers Protection Regulation Application Study in Telkomsel Kartuas Flexi's Customers
Blodot Aji Luhung, Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur
Abstract: CDMA based telecommunication services nowadays were no longer used by Indonesias societies, include Bandung, because it was in line with the governments program as written in PM KOMINFO No.30 Tahun 2014 and KM KOMINFO No.934 Tahun 2014 regarding the frequencies band structuring and the permit diversion of 800Mhz frequencies usage, which became the reason why the Telkom Flexi services were closed. Telkom kept struggling to maintain its 4.4 million customers nationally and its 159, 862 Bandung region customers not to switch into another providers and support the Flexi users to move to its subsidiary company, which is Telkomsel, by applying User Migration Program. This program was a form of responsibility provided by Telkom towards Telkom Flexi customer protection. This study aimed to acknowledge the effectivity of the Telkom Flexi to Telkomsel KartuAs migration program as an application form of Consumer Protection Policy towards Telkomsel KartuAs Flexi users in Bandung based on UU No.8 Tahun 1999 regarding the consumer protection. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The study units were the five factors of effectivity based on Soerjono Soekanto, which consist of legal factor, law enforcement factor, infrastructural factor, societal factor, and cultural factor. This study showed that effectivity from the Telkom Flexi to Telkomsel KartuAs Flexi migration program as a form of consumer protection policy application in Bandung were good based on UU No.8 Tahun 1999 regarding the consumer protection.
Keywords: Migration, Regulatory Effectiveness, UU No 8 tahun 1999 regarding the consumer protection, Telkom Flexi
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Pages: 1833 - 1837
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