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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Survey Paper on Mitigation Mechanisms for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Vishal Mahale, Deepali Gothawal
Abstract: Today Internet is experiencing one of the major attack called DDos attack. DDoS attack flood the victim with overwhelming amount of traffic to prevent the legitimate users from using network resources. Though security features integrated in the system, the acceptable level of security depends on the state of security in the rest of the global Internet. Till date all the mechanism that are used to less down the DDoS attack are implemented at the single layer. To embellish the security over the DDoS attack, a conjunctive defense mechanism will be creative solution. Providing mitigation either at source end or at victim end may not be a complete solution, in contrast crosslayer mitigation is active at both ends. The proposed systems use two methods to reduce the DDoS attacks remote firewall and device driver level packet filtering. The remote firewall protects the access links from DDoS attacks by dropping the potentially harmful network traffic before they get into link and device driver packet filtering decimate harmful network traffic before it consumes the resources.
Keywords: Comprehensive defense mechanism, self similarity defense mechanism, DDoS, High rate attack, Low rate attack
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Pages: 1612 - 1616
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