Influence of Estradiol and 17?-hydroxyprogesterone on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fresh Water Field Crab Oziotelphusa senex senex (Fabricius)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


Influence of Estradiol and 17?-hydroxyprogesterone on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fresh Water Field Crab Oziotelphusa senex senex (Fabricius)

A. Sujathamma, Y. Dayakar

Abstract: Crustacean reproductive physiology is governed by the variety of hormonal and neuronal factors. The present study have been investigated the influence of estradiol and 17- hydroxyprogesterone on carbohydrate metabolism of the fresh water paddy field crab Oziotelphusa senex senex. The crabs were divided into two experimental groups and injected with estradiol and 17 -hydroxyprogesterone @ 10 mol/ crabs separately on different intervals of the one month experimental duration. The total carbohydrates, glycogen and hemolymph sugar levels were observed in the hepatopancreas, hemolymph and muscle in different time intervals (7th, 14th and 21st day) in control and experimental groups. In the two different steroids injected crabs, in all most all the cases estradiol injected animals showed highly significant (P<0.01) increase in total carbohydrates, glycogen and heamolymph sugar levels, followed by 17-hydroxyprogesterone. The possible impact of steroids on carbohydrate metabolism of crustaceans is discussed.

Keywords: Estradiol, 17 -hydroxyprogesterone, Carbohydrate metabolism, Oziotelphusa senex senex

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015

Pages: 684 - 688

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A. Sujathamma, Y. Dayakar, "Influence of Estradiol and 17?-hydroxyprogesterone on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fresh Water Field Crab Oziotelphusa senex senex (Fabricius)", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015, pp. 684-688,, DOI:

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