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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
An Effective Technique for Matching Facial Composite to Mugshots using Face Sketch System
Vinayak P P, Nahala M A
Abstract: An Effective Technique For Matching FacialComposite To Mugshots using Face Sketch System is a tool that is used to match the sketches that is given as input to the system and by the series of procedures it matches with the mugshot database and shows the image which is having minimum mismatches. The sketches that we are provided will be of different form such as hand drawn, software developed sketch and so, by given it as input with to the two different algorithm such as Enhanced Holistic Algorithm and Enhanced Component Based Algorithm. This tool is an automatic tool, and there will be a mugshot database and by properly extracting the features from the face by the two algorithms a perfect comparison is made by the value obtained and the images that is most relevant to this is shown and here, introduces Genetic algorithm and also replacing the MLBP to RLBP and along with the image displayed some details such as the name, age can be displayed.
Keywords: Enhanced Component-based face recognition, facial composite recognition, hand-drawn composite, Enhanced holistic face recognition, mugshot, software-generated composite, surveillance composite
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015
Pages: 1502 - 1506
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