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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
ECBDS: Enhanced Cooperative Bait Detection Scheme for Preventing Collaborative Attacks in MANETS
Abdul Jawad PP, Bismin Chacko
Abstract: Providing secure communication is one of important aspects in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Routing between Source and destination must be secure. Routing protocols helps to transfer the packets to destination. Routing Protocols are vulnerable to collaborative black hole attacks. When malicious nodes work together, to drop the packets called collaborative attacks, Blackhole attacks completely drops the packets in MANETs and also advertise that, it has minimum shortest path to destination. We propose a mechanism, Enhanced Cooperative Bait Detection Scheme (ECBDS) for preventing Collaborative blackhole attacks in MANETs. In this mechanism, integrates features of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and 2ACK protocols. ECBDS scheme merges the proactive and reactive defense architecture and ensure secure data transmission using Key Distribution Scheme shuffling Algorithm. In the initial stage it uses a proactive architecture, i. e. uses a Bait id concept for the detection of malicious nodes present in the network. Upon the completion of initial stage it switches to reactive defense strategy. The scheme comprises of three steps, the bait step, suspected path detection and the Confirmation Request. The bait approach attracts the malicious node to send a reply and in the next step detects the suspected path. The last step involves the destination requesting its neighbor to confirm if the path given is secure. To secure data transmission we use key distribution shuffling algorithm scheme and encryption using Key generated by KDC. The work is implemented in Network Simulator. Comparing performance of ECBDS with DSR and 2ACK. ECBDS simulation result shows increased packet delivery ratio, throughput and reduced End to End Delay ratio
Keywords: Black hole, Bait, DSR, 2ACK, MANET
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015
Pages: 1148 - 1153
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