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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Saudi Arabia | Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Alterations Induced in Gills of Xiphophorus maculates in Response to Petroleum Toxicity
Asra Anjum
Abstract: To assess the biological effect of the several pollutants that are constantly released to the water, bio-monitoring is a promising approach that may provide early-warning signals of pollutants exposure. Fish gill is the first target of pollutants action, thus histopathological changes may constitute. The histopathological changes in gills of Xiphophorus maculates showed pathological changes as filament epithelium lifting, necrosis, sinusoidal fibrosis and fusions. This make Xiphophorus maculates a good biomonitor for petroleum pollution.
Keywords: Xiphophorous maculates, gills, petroleum, necrosis & sinusoidal fibrosis
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015
Pages: 1814 - 1816
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