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Case Studies | Pediatrics | India | Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Hepatic Encephalopathy because of Falciparum Malaria in a Child: A Rare Association
Anirban Chatterjee, Suman Sarkar, Amrita Roy
Abstract: Hepatic encepalopathy due to Pasmodium falciparam hepatitis rarely reported in adult patients and also a rare incidence in a child with mixed of Pasmodium malarial parasite. We report a case of hepatic encephalopathy in falciparum malaria in child. Prompt early diagnosis and initiation of antimalarial treatment can have reduce the mortality. This is the first case of Hepatic encepalopathy due to Pasmodium falciparam infection from Eastern India, in our opinion.
Keywords: Hepatic encepalopathy due to Pasmodium falciparam hepatitis rarely reported in adult patients and also a rare incidence in a child with mixed of Pasmodium malarial parasite We report a case of hepatic encephalopathy in falciparum malaria in child Prompt early diagnosis and initiation of antimalarial treatment can have reduce the mortality This is the first case of Hepatic encepalopathy due to Pasmodium falciparam infection from Eastern India, in our opinion
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Pages: 1872 - 1873
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