Performance Evaluation of Power Saving Routing Protocol
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10


Performance Evaluation of Power Saving Routing Protocol

Sujit Wagh, S.B.Takale

Abstract: There is tremendous increase in the applications which uses internet which results into affecting the network performance (QoS) because of heavy traffic load on the core routers which causes into more power requirements in core routers In this paper we describe the power challenges in todays routers. In order to save the power consumed in the routers an innovative approach is suggested in this paper. Here, one distributed routing protocol is employed which saves power in the core routers without lowering the performance of network adhering to the connectivity of the network. General distributed routing protocol (GDRP) maintains compatibility with any existing distributed routing protocol, which saves power by making some of its core routers into sleep mode called as power saving mode. We highly suggest a novel and distinct approach to resolve this problem that includes making power awareness a primary objective in the design and configuration of networks and routing protocols. Simulation results shows there is no affect on QoS of network. The network performance parameters are compared with existing link state routing protocol.

Keywords: Green internet, sleep coordination, power saving, distributed routing protocol, GDRP

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

Pages: 1971 - 1975

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Sujit Wagh, S.B.Takale, "Performance Evaluation of Power Saving Routing Protocol", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015, pp. 1971-1975,, DOI:

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