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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Joint Optimization Using Hybrid Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio Networks
Arlin Thomas, Hari. S
Abstract: With the growth of users in wireless and data communication there is a scarcity of additional bandwidth to meet the demand. The efficient utilization of the spectrum bandwidth we go for a technology which is cognitive radio technique. Spectrum sensing is the ability to measure, sense and aware of the parameters related to the radio channel characteristics. In this work uses hybrid spectrum sensing which is the combination of maximum energy detection (MED) and cyclostationary detector. Researchers are focusing on cooperative spectrum sensing to improve reliability but still there is space for improvement in local spectrum sensing. In cooperative spectrum sensing, it will be hard to cooperate with local network nodes in a short time as cognitive radio has to operate in heterogeneous wireless networks. Spectrum sensing and transmission are the two phases of cognitive radio networks. This paper proposes an adaptive spectrum sensing in which cognitive radio can adopt one-order cyclostationary or energy detector for spectrum sensing on the basis of estimated SNR, which is calculated in advance for available channels in first phase. And successive interference canceller detector in transmission phase. Simulation result indicates that ofdm system has better accuracy and performance than cdma system.
Keywords: Cognitive radio, spectrum utilization, cooperative sensing, CDMA, hybrid spectrum sensing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Pages: 476 - 480
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