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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Design and Development of Authentication Locking and Tracking System
V. Naveen Kumar, T. Sujana, D. Likith Sai, Dr. G. Ramesh Chandra
Abstract: Authentication-locking and tracking system (ALTS) is used to prevent people from accessing systems such as vehicles, objects in ware houses, arms and mobile communication systems in security services of an authorized user, so that they are not misused. In this project, the system is embedded with an electronic based Tracking and Locking Unit (TLU). This unit locks the system when the RFID tag is not authenticated and transmits the information of the system to a Mobile Unit (MU) and Control Station (CS), which will continuously monitor a system and report the status of the system. The GPS technology is used to identify the current geographical position on earth. GPRS in LTU establishes a communication link with MU and CS. GPRS transmits the data of GPS to MU and CS, and also transmits RFID data if necessary. It also receives data from MU and CS. This unit is very useful to reduce the theft and misuse of thing.
Keywords: FRDM-KL25Z Microcontroller, GPS/GPRS Modem, RFID Module, Locking Mechanism
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Pages: 419 - 421
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