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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Prototype of ANN Control Renewable Interfacing Inverter in 3P4W Distribution Network
Maddela Prasanth, N.Vijay Simha
Abstract: Renewable vitality assets (RES) are as a rule progressively joined in conveyance frameworks using force electronic converters/inverters. This paper displays a Neural Network control system for the renewable interfacing inverter, it is a four leg inverter that is equipped for repaying uneven nonlinear burden at PCC, here the heap nonpartisan current is kept from streaming into the matrix side by remunerating it by regional standards from the fourth leg of the inverter. The fundamental goal of this task is to accomplish nonlinear lopsided burden remuneration and smooth bidirectional force stream all the while. It is a profoundly nonlinear framework such that the inverter works under very fluctuating working conditions, so the pi controller is unrealistic to situated the ideal addition values, which may prompt a bogus operation of the inverter. The consolidated capacity of Neural Network controller in taking care of the vulnerabilities and gaining from the procedures is turned out to be worthwhile while controlling the inverter under distinctive working conditions. The inverter is effectively controlled keeping in mind the end goal to remunerate the present sounds, responsive force, and the present unbalance of a three-stage four-wire nonlinear burden with produced renewable force infusion into the network all the while. This empowers the matrix to dependably retain/supply an adjusted arrangement of crucial streams at solidarity force figure even the vicinity of the nonlinear unequal burden at the purpose of normal coupling. The proposed framework is produced and recreated in MATLAB/SimPowerSystem environment under diverse working conditions.
Keywords: Renewable energy, Distributed generation, grid interconnection, Neural Network control, nonlinear load, power quality
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Pages: 2236 - 2240
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