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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Macedonia | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
A Radiographic Assessment of the Prevalence of Pulp Stones in Premolars According to the Sex
Pavlina Aleksova
Abstract: A radiographic assessment of the prevalence of pulp stones in premolars according to the sex Pavlina Aleksova Department of Restorative dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Introduction Pulp stones or denticles are frequently found in the dental pulp. Denticles more often occur in molars than in premolars and incisive. Materials and Methods The study was conducted at the University Dental Clinic Centre in Skopje St. Panteleimon. Were included random samples 150 patients aged between 20-60 years, or 3108 teeth, meanwhile using an appropriately designed survey questionnaire. The X-ray assessment of the jaws was being made by subjecting the suspected teeth to the Panoramix and retroalveolar X-ray according to Dick. Statistically computer analysis was confirmed to the 172 teeth premolars. Results From 150 patients or 3108 teeth, 623 teeth (20.04 %) has pulp stones. From 623 teeth with pulp stones 425 (68.2 %) molars, 172 (27.6 %) premolars and 26 teeth (3.2 %) - incisives. The results obtained from the carried out examinations showed that 172 teeth premolars 111 (64.5 %) in the males and 61 (35.4 %) in females. The variation is significant i. e. Z = 5.289, P = 0.000. Conclusion The analyses we carried out by making advantage of the radiography showed that greater attention should be paid to the analysis of the X-rays, especially to the Panoramix X-rays, because they enable detection of the dental calcifications in the asymptomatic teeth regarding the jaws as a whole. teeth, pulp stones, prevalence, premolars, the sex, the significant.
Keywords: teeth, pulp stones, prevalence, premolars, the sex, the significant
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Pages: 2473 - 2475
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