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Research Paper | Chemistry | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Formulation of Dispersion Media for Some Organotin Compounds
Stephen G. Yiase
Abstract: In order to overcome the aqueous insolubility of organotin compounds, dispersion media have been formulated for tri-and di-organotin compounds based on polar and hydrocarbon solvents and a number of additives. The stability of the aqueous dispersions of the formulae were assessed using a combination of visual observations and centrifugal and transmittance measurements. The results show that stable dispersions were obtained only in the presence of the additives. The role of the additives in the stabilization mechanism has been adduced and the implications of the findings to the control of some agricultural pests have been highlighted.
Keywords: Organotin compounds, Antifungal, Media formulation, Emulsion stability, Solubility
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015
Pages: 1106 - 1111
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