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Research Paper | Agronomy | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Popularity: 7 / 10
The Effect of Organic Matter Combination and Azola Dosage (Azolla pinnata) On Growth and The Production of Paddy (Oryza sp.) Ciherang Variety
Brian Feri Andreeilee, Mudji Santoso, Moch. Dawam Maghfoer
Abstract: The study aims to determine the effect of the application of organic matter in the form of cow feces and urine, Tithonia diversivolia, and mycorrhizal fungi with various doses of azola (Azolla pinnata) on the growth and yield of Ciherang paddy variety. The treatment in this study include (PI) feces + urine + titonia+ mycorrhiza + azola 1kg, (P2) feces + urine + titonia + mycorrhiza + azola 2kg, (P3) feces + urine + titonia + mycorrhiza + azola 3kg, (P4) titonia + mycorrhiza + Azola 1kg, (P5) titonia + mycorrhiza + azola 2kg, (P6) titonia + mycorrhiza + azola 3 kg, (P7) 334 kg ha-1 ZA + 334 kg ha-1 NPK 151515 + SP36 334 kg ha-1 + azola 1kg, (P8) 334 kg ha-1 ZA + 334 kg ha-1 NPK 151515 + SP36 334 kg ha-1 + azola 2kg, (P9) 334 kg ha-1 ZA + 334 kg ha-1 NPK 151515 + SP36 334 kg ha-1 + azola 3kg. The parameters observed are plant length, number of leaves, number of tillers, leaf area, leaf area index, number of panicles. total dry weight, crop growth rate (CGR), weight of 1000 seeds, the percentage of empty seed, the weight of grain per hectare, and the harvest index. Results showed that the treatment effect of organic matter (feces + urine + tionia + mycorrhiza + Azola 2 kg (P2) and 3kg (P3), showed a significant increase on all vegetative observations, with the best influence on plant leaf area which amounted to 2098.12 cm2 (P3) which is showed a higher results compared with control (P9) 1587.40 cm2, also from the harvest observation showed that the P3 treatment is able to increase the weight of grain per hectare to 7.56 tons ha-1 when compared to the control treatment (P9) which only 5.38 tons ha-1.
Keywords: Ciherang Paddy, Cow urine, Cow Feses, Tithonia, Azolla
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Pages: 1258 - 1261
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