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Research Paper | Biology | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
Assessing the Effect of Mg2+ ion on the Regulation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PhoRP Two Component System through the Development of Mathematical Model
Fozail Ahmad, Ravins Dohare
Abstract: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the third most infectious pathogen that causes tuberculosis and claims approximately 1.3 million lives each year across the globe. This pathogen sets up various stages of infection when it comes in contact with host macrophages. The activation and regulation of pathogenicity causing genes are carried out by PhoRP two component systems (TCS) being stimulated by Mg2+ ions in the surrounding medium of pathogen. Every TCS consists of two regulatory proteins, sensor kinase (PhoR) and response regulator (PhoP). In order to understand behavior of TCS under the effect of Mg2+ ions, a mathematical model was developed and validated from the existing data. The simulation of the model was carried out through MATLAB using RK-4 (Runga Kutta fourth order differential equation) method. Resultantly, behavior of TCS was found to be robust at all concentration of Mg2+ ions. The finding can be implicated at the time of development of drug against tuberculosis as to which gene/protein has the high sensitivity towards its stimuli.
Keywords: Autophosphorylation, Response Regulator, Sensor kinase, Two-component system
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Pages: 2285 - 2289