Digital Analyzation Study of Grey Tone Degrees Signals of Some Crops, Vegetables and Urban within Radar Image Utilizing Colorimeter Software
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Agricultural Engineering | Egypt | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10


Digital Analyzation Study of Grey Tone Degrees Signals of Some Crops, Vegetables and Urban within Radar Image Utilizing Colorimeter Software

Ahmed Yahya Ahmed Hammad

Abstract: Since, the continuous tone defined the degree of lightness or darkness in any given area of a print, also referred to as value. Cold tones (bluish) and warm tones (reddish) refer to the color of the image in both black-and-white and color photographs. In addition, because film cannot record all of the tones a human eye can see and offset lithography cannot reproduce all of the tones recorded by a photograph, this process eliminates, or compresses, tones during the reproduction process is called tonal compression. In this respect, Wooding (1988) exposed essential turbid as the radar has limited sensitively to the emerging crops and the dark tones are essentially those relating to the smooth surface of the bare soil. Hence the immediate investigation was presented digital coloring analyzation study of grey tone degrees of various targets through black and white radar image taken by Convair aircraft (SAR 580) was previously visual classified by Wooding (1988) however the image covers small area around the village of Fellwall, East Angila, UK, was taken in the middle of the crop growing season on 30 June 1981, as plight/troth source to basic data was requirement to terms of presently investigation.

Keywords: Wooding 1988, SAR 580, Colorimeter Software, signals grey ton, Crops, Vegetables

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015

Pages: 197 - 205

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Ahmed Yahya Ahmed Hammad, "Digital Analyzation Study of Grey Tone Degrees Signals of Some Crops, Vegetables and Urban within Radar Image Utilizing Colorimeter Software", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015, pp. 197-205,, DOI:

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