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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
A Survey on Data leakage Optimization and Prevention by Identifying Guilty Agent without Causing Disturbance and Inconvenience to Trusted Agent
Sangramsinh B. Deshmukh, R. N. Phursule
Abstract: Data misuse might be performed by peoples or sources like an organizations employees or business partners who have access to sensitive data and misuse their authority. We can say that users are either trusted or untrusted. The access privilege to untrusted parties to data objects (e. g. , patient records or clients) should monitor to detect misuse. Still, monitoring data collection or data information is resource dependent and it taking much more time and may also cause issues like disturbance and inconvenience to involved employees. So that, monitored data collection or information should selected carefully. In this paper, we represent two optimization issues designed carefully for fetching specic data collection or information for monitoring, such that the detection rate is maximized and the monitoring effort is reduced. In the rst, the goal is to select data objects for monitoring that are accessed by at most c trusted agents while ensuring access to at least k monitored objects by each untrusted agent (both c and k are integer variable). The goal of the second is to select monitored data objects that maximize the number of monitored data objects accessed by untrusted agents while ensuring that each trusted agent does not access more than d monitored data objects (d is an integer variable).
Keywords: Security, Data misuse, data monitoring, honeytokens, information security, Guilty agent, trusted agents
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 67 - 69
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