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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
User Profile Based Client Side Instant Search Mechanism With Use of TLB Mechanism and Fuzzy Search
Rupali A. Ingale, J. L. Chaudhari
Abstract: Instant search is an emerging information-retrieval paradigm in which a system finds answers to a query instantly while a user types in keywords character-by-character. A fuzzy search is a process that locates Web pages that are likely to be relevant to a search argument even when the argument does not exactly correspond to the desired information. A fuzzy search is done by means of a fuzzy matching program, which returns a list of results based on likely relevance even though search argument words and spellings may not exactly match. Exact and highly relevant matches appear near the top of the list. The fuzzy search can be done by trie-based approaches. A main computational challenge in this paradigm is the high speed requirement, i. e. , each query needs to be answered within milliseconds to achieve an instant response and a high query throughput. we propose the fetch from TLB and PageTables. We are maintaining log for user search log and part of relevant retrieved contents in TLB like mechanism. When user enters query to search engine, we will extract keywords from the query, this will need to porters stemming algorithm, stopword removal algorithm and K-means clustering algorithm with consideration of hop count.
Keywords: Insatant search, Fuzzy search, TLB, Proximity Ranking
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015
Pages: 1862 - 1864
Make Sure to Disable the Pop-Up Blocker of Web Browser
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