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Case Studies | Medicine Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
A Case of Dermoid Cyst in a 30 Year Old Male Patient ? A Case Report and Study of Literature
Dr. D. Udayakumar M.S, Dr. M. H. Khadari M.S, Dr. M. Nirmala M.S, Dr. Bellamkonda Silpa, Dr. Rajeshbabu Konakanchi
Abstract: A 30 yr old male, presented with swelling in both eyes from childhood. He noticed a pea size swelling which gradually increased and attained present size. He had previous history of left eye surgery for similar lesion near the limbus on temporal side. On examination right eye - 2x2 cm cystic lesion present in lateral canthus which is non-mobile, soft, non trans illuminant. Left eye 2x2 cm cystic lesion near the limbus in temporal side. Visual acuity right eye - 6/6, left eye - counting fingers 5 metres with pinhole 6/60. Extraocular movements normal in all directions. Pupils - normal size reacting to light. Fundus - both eyes - disc hyperaemic, margins clear, vessels normal, foveal reflex present.
Keywords: Dermoid cyst, Defective vision, Hyperaemic disc
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015
Pages: 1131 - 1132