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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Cost & Time Control of the Project by Using Structural Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement
Sandesh S Pandit, Anuradha S Pansare
Abstract: In this paper feasible use of alternative material to the steel reinforcement in building element such as column, beam is been done. The material used for partial replacement of steel reinforcement is Structural Synthetic Fibers. With the available papers it is learnt that use of structural synthetic fiber is much common and limited in tunnel lining works, Industrial flooring works, Concrete pipes, Road pavements etc. In this paper these fibers are considered for construction of building elements, with available values and studies done in previous stages by various authors. Here partial replacement of steel reinforcement is done with the Structural Synthetic Fibers keeping in view the design requirements of the particular element, the saved steel and concrete due to section reduction is combined and summed up to come over total savings. Comparison is done in previous requirement of steel and concrete to the new requirement of the same with adding cost of structural synthetic fiber in latter. Cost and time requirement is calculated in both the type of works and compared for the feasibility of the Synthetic Fibers in concrete in respect of cost and time control.
Keywords: Cost Control, Feasibility of SSF, Time control, Partial Replacement
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 2767 - 2770
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