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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Ultra Light Weight Nano Composite for Aero-Crafts
S. Gajalakshmi, K. Sriram
Abstract: Now a day-s demands on aerospace application have much crisis to be satisfied by composite materials. The problem behind in demand is processing and characteristics of nano materials with appropriate methodology. The Nano composite material is composed of a discrete reinforcement and distributed in a continuous phase of matrix, In Aluminum matrix nano composite (AMnC) one constitutes is aluminum which forms networks i. e. matrix phase and another constitute serve as reinforcement which is generally ceramic or non metallic hard material. The basic reason of metals reinforced with hard ceramic particles or non-metallic are improved properties than its original material like strength, stiffness etc. Stir casting has been used to synthesize Al/SiC and Graphite with economically. The main objective of the paper is to make Ultra-light weight nanocomposite material with volume fraction upto 30 % using stir casting by varying proportional ratio from 5 % to 30 %. The mechanical properties of nano-composites from stir casted Aluminum-Silicon Carbide-Graphite composites have been studied using Metallographic and mechanical analysis techniques. This paper presents detailed approach of nano composite materials, process parameter and Characteristics reinforced by nano-particles for aero space vehicles spars.
Keywords: Aluminum, Silicon carbide, Graphite, Metal matrix nano composites, Stir casting, reinforcement
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 1892 - 1895
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