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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Classification of Land Use and Land Cover Using Remotely Sensed Data for Parbhani City, Maharashtra, India
Nayana S. Ratnaparkhi, Bharti W. Gawali
Abstract: The use of remotely sensed data is an important method to indicate land use and land cover changes on earth-s surface. Remote sensing can provide a better picture of monitoring land use and land cover changes. In this study, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System integration are used in order to analyze land cover of Parbhani city using LISS-IV high resolution data collected from NRSC, Hyderabad. GIS is systematic introduction of different disciplinary spatial and statistical data that can be used in inventorying the environment, observation of change and prediction based on current practices and management plans. This paper discusses the land cover of study area using classification of image. Digital image pre processing and image processing techniques are used for classification of land cover analysis. After image pre-processing, supervised image classification has been performed to classify the image into different land use categories. The study area, Parbhani city has been developing rapidly over the last decade, successful planning will require giving reliable information about land use/land cover distribution. This study illustrates that integration of remotely sensed data and GIS techniques are effective to provide such information. A good knowledge of the study area was achieved by a suitable image enhancement and literature studies.
Keywords: Land use/Land covers LULC, Remote sensing, Geographical information system GIS, maximum likelihood
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 269 - 272
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