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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Implementation of Cloud Partitioning based Load Balancing for Performance Improvement
Neha Gohar Khan, V. B. Bhagat Mate
Abstract: Cloud computing has been widely adopted by the industry due to its ease of use and simple service oriented model. The number of users accessing the cloud services keeps on increasing day-by-day. In such a situation, load balancing is one of the complex challenges in cloud computing which is required to distribute the dynamic workload across multiple nodes because prediction of user request arrivals on the server is not possible. Load balancing in the cloud computing environment has an important impact on the performance. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and responsive. Cloud partitioning is an optimal approach in public cloud for load balancing. In this paper, we are trying to implement a better load balance strategy for the public cloud using the cloud partitioning concept to improve the performance in the public cloud environment.
Keywords: Cloud computing, load balancing, cloud partitioning, dynamic round robin
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Pages: 284 - 287
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