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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Energy Saving Using Dual Meter
Darshan B M
Abstract: since human evolution, mankind has exploited naturally available resources such as Wind, Water & Solar energy. The availability of resources restricts the use of Wind and Water energies as alternative power sources. But Sun is available since birth of solar system and will remain there as single infinite energy source. There are some hopes that the sun will become a main source of energy in the 21st century. By then, sources of oil will be almost exhausted and will only play a minor part in the supplying of energy. The present interest in solar energy is therefore not surprising. Some work has already been done with solar cells and solar panels
Keywords: Keil Compiler uVision 3, Embedded, WLPRO Programmer
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 3136 - 3137
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