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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
AOMDV- Multipath Routing Protocol in Mobile Networks to Enhance Network Security
G. Siva Brindha, M. Rajeswari
Abstract: Dynamic topology formed by an interconnection of mobile devices through wireless links is known as Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). It is a dynamic wireless network that can be formulated without the need for any pre-existing infrastructure in which each node can act as a router. Routing protocols play a vital role in transmission of data across the network. The two major classifications of routing protocols are unipath and multipath. One of the main challenges of MANET is the design of robust routing protocol that adapt to the frequent and randomly changing network topology. Passive Attacks such as snooping and Active Attacks such as wormhole attack, black hole attack, byzantine attack, Transport Layer Attacks, Multipath Layer Attacks etc. are possible in the available routing protocols. Wireless ad-hoc networks are unprotected to attacks of the malicious nodes due to security vulnerabilities of the AODV routing protocol. Anonymous routing protocols attract much more attention in secure MANETs for the purposes of security and privacy concerns. The use of AOMDV (Ad-hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector) and improved the security of MANET against the several Vulnerabilities is analyzed in this study. Performance of On-demand routing protocols such as Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol and Adhoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol are analyzed. AOMDV has better packet delivery ratio and comparatively low average end-to-end delay when compared to the existing AODV protocol. The number of packets dropped in the AOMDV against the vulnerabilities is very low. Thus the proposed technique which uses AOMDV is proved to be better against the attacks.
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 62 - 66
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