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Review Papers | Zoology | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Taxonomic Review of Indian Pipunculids in Comparison to Pipunculids of Other Countries
Shailendra KumarAmogh, E.M. Ross, Prakash Michael
Abstract: The taxonomy of Pipunculids is largely neglected in India. Brunetti, 1912, 1915 & 1923 and Subramaniam, 1922 worked on Indian Pipunculids. Since 1923 no work was done on the Indian Pipunculids till 1971. Then Hardy, 1971, 1972 & with Delfinado, 1975 worked on Indian Pipunculids. Kapoor et. al 1977, 1985 & 1987 worked on Indian Pipunculids. Again Michael, 1997 worked on Indian Pipunculids. After that no work was done on taxonomy of Indian Pipunculids. The Present review will enable researchers to work in this field and to explore new species of Pipunculids.
Keywords: Pipunculids, Taxonomy, Auchenorrhyncha, Vena spuria, Syrphids
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 841 - 845
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