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Case Studies | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficiecy Ratio & Electric Power Consumption of Domestic Refrigerator using Refrigerant R134a & R600a at Constant Evaporator Temprature
Mujahid Sheikh, Mohd.Abuzar Qureshi
Abstract: Energy Consuming is most important role in Energy management System. In domestic refrigerator heat is transferred from a low temperature reservoir to high temperature reservoir by using Vapour compression refrigeration system. The aim of this Paper is to comparatively analyze of Energy Efficiency Ratio & Electric Power Consumption with domestic refrigerator using Refrigerant R134a & R600a at Constant Evaporator Temperature. . In Experimental carried out using refrigerant R134a and R600a with Domestic Refrigerator, it is found that cooling Capacity using Refrigerant 134a for constant evaporator temperature is 107.03. Whereas using Refrigerant R600a at Constant evaporator temperature the cooling Capacity is 142.10. Energy Efficiency Ratio of R-600a is higher than R-134a. In Domestic Refrigerator.
Keywords: EER, R600a, R134a, EPC, COP, CEC
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 620 - 623
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