A Review Paper on Big Data Analytics
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10


A Review Paper on Big Data Analytics

Ankita S. Tiwarkhede, Prof. Vinit Kakde

Abstract: We live in on-demand world with vast majority of data. People and devices are constantly generating data, while streaming a video, active in social media, playing games, search any location using GPS. This data increase day by day from many resources, various types of techniques and technologies. The data is categories as Big Data. Big Data is huge in Variety, Velocity and Sheer volume. It is structured and unstructured data and heterogeneous in nature. The goal of Big Data analysis is to extract useful values, suggest conclusions and/or support decision making. In this topic, we provide an extensive survey of big data analytics research, while highlighting the specific concern in big data world. According to Application evolution, we discuss six types of big data application such as structured data analytics, Text analytics, Web analytics, Multimedia analytics, and Mobile analytics. We illustrate the techniques of analyzing the big data such as A/B testing, classification, crowdsourcing, and data mining. We live in on-demand world with vast majority of data. People and devices are constantly generating data, while streaming a video, active in social media, playing games, search any location using GPS. This data increase day by day from many resources, various types of techniques and technologies. The data is categories as Big Data. Big Data is huge in Variety, Velocity and Sheer volume. It is structured and unstructured data and heterogeneous in nature. The goal of Big Data analysis is to extract useful values, suggest conclusions and/or support decision making. In this topic, we provide an extensive survey of big data analytics research, while highlighting the specific concern in big data world. According to Application evolution, we discuss six types of big data application such as structured data analytics, Text analytics, Web analytics, Multimedia analytics, and Mobile analytics. We illustrate the techniques of analyzing the big data such as A/B testing, classification, crowdsourcing, and data mining. We live in on-demand world with vast majority of data. People and devices are constantly generating data, while streaming a video, active in social media, playing games, search any location using GPS. This data increase day by day from many resources, various types of techniques and technologies. The data is categories as Big Data. Big Data is huge in Variety, Velocity and Sheer volume. It is structured and unstructured data and heterogeneous in nature. The goal of Big Data analysis is to extract useful values, suggest conclusions and/or support decision making. In this topic, we provide an extensive survey of big data analytics research, while highlighting the specific concern in big data world. According to Application evolution, we discuss six types of big data application such as structured data analytics, Text analytics, Web analytics, Multimedia analytics, and Mobile analytics. We illustrate the techniques of analyzing the big data such as A/B testing, classification, crowdsourcing, and data mining.

Keywords: Big data management, Big data, Analytics, Analyzing Technique

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015

Pages: 845 - 848

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Ankita S. Tiwarkhede, Prof. Vinit Kakde, "A Review Paper on Big Data Analytics", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015, pp. 845-848, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SUB153031, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SUB153031

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