International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Rating: 7.2 / 10


Food and Nutritional Security in Khammam District through Urban Agriculture

T. Kamalaja, J. Deepika

Abstract: Urban Agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in or around a village, town or city. It also involves animal Husbandry, Aquaculture, agro forestry and Horticulture. The process of urbanization is fast spreading across different countries and regions to which India is no exception. Migration to urban areas is increasing to access the facilities and improved level of living. The World Bank (2000) estimates that approximately 50 % of the poor live in urban areas. Low income urban dwellers spend between 40 % to 60 % of their income on food each year. It is very important or appropriate to promote urban agriculture in the present context as agriculture in rural India is facing challenges like fragmented holdings, depletion of soil nutrients exploitation of ground water, declining trend of food production and least preference for agriculture as an option of livelihood by farmers due to less profitability and high uncertainty, non availability of agricultural labourers in rural areas etc. The present study estimates the profile of urban population, the pattern of purchase and consumption and level of satisfaction with three major commodities like fruits, vegetables and milk. The study highlights the need to promote urban agriculture as a development strategy.

Keywords: Food and Nutritional Security, Urban Agriculture and Khammam District

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015

Pages: 427 - 431

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