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Research Paper | Chemical Engineering | Morocco | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
The Upper Temperature Limit Above which the Influence of Dislocations Due to the Presence of the Reinforcement of the Composite 6061/SiC becomes Negligible
D. Dafir, M. Boulghallat, L. Lallam, A. Jouaiti
Abstract: Studies that have already been made, shows that the acceleration of the precipitation kinetics of the semi coherent phase is attributed to the dislocations created during tempering, due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient of the reinforcement and the matrix. In this study, we seek to clarify this effect by trying to define the upper limit temperature above which the influence of dislocations due to the presence of the reinforcement becomes negligible.
Keywords: Alumium, SiC, Composite, Dislocation, precipitation
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 307 - 315
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