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Review Papers | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Evaluation of Fatigue Failure of Crankshaft Work on its Bearing and Crank Pin Analytically and Numerically - A Review
Suryakant Rathod, Qaimi Mudassar
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to update its readers the failure of crank shaft due to the dynamic load and rotating system exerts repeated bending and shear stress due to torsion, which are common stresses acting on crankshaft and mostly responsible for crankshaft failure. Hence, fatigue strength and life assessment plays an important role in crankshaft development and its parts considering its safety and reliable operation. The single cylinder petrol engines are extensively used by BAJAJ AUTO LTD in their two wheeler like Pulsar 220, Discover all model. The bearing failure of the crank shaft is the major problem of above said vehicle which results replacing crankshaft and piston assembly which results in increase of overall cost. In this present study crankshaft failure will study analytically and numerically. The study detail overview of failure analysis process including theoretical method and result integration for predicting life of component as compared to life estimation by means of suitable software. The analysis is doing for different engine speeds and as a result critical engine speed and critical failure region on the crankshaft will obtain. An analysis of these changes makes it possible to determine the life and strength of the crankshaft.
Keywords: Crankshaft, Bearing, Crankpin, Fatigue fracture, Failure analysis
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 651 - 653
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