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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Security Schemes to Resolve Wormhole Attack in Distributed Sensor Networks
Sharada Y. Yalavigi, Dr. Krishnamurthy G. N, Dr. Nandini Sidnal
Abstract: Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN) is an emerging technology and has a wide range of applications such as Environment (habitat) monitoring, Seismic monitoring, Terrain Surveillance, etc. The security of a sensor network is a critical aspect because of the random deployment of sensor nodes in an unattended environment. Distributed sensor networks are vulnerable against various types of external and internal attacks being limited by computation resources, smaller memory capacity, limited battery life, processing power & lack of tamper resistant packaging. The networks broadcasting character and transmission medium help the attacker to interrupt network. An attacker can transform the routing protocol and interrupt the network operations through mechanisms such as selective forwarding, packet drops, and data fabrication. One of the serious routing-disruption attacks is Wormhole Attack. The main emphasis of this paper is to study wormhole attack, its detection method and the different techniques to prevent the network from this attack. Hello flood attack, Denial of service attacks, wormhole attack, Distributed Sensor Networks
Keywords: Hello flood attack, Denial of service attacks, wormhole attack, Distributed Sensor Networks
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Pages: 1422 - 1430
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