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Research Paper | Physics Science | Iraq | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Calculation of New Five Parameters Potential and Dissociation Energy for (X1Σ+- A1Π) Band System of Diatomic Molecule
Adil N. Ayyash, Zeyad A. Salih
Abstract: The present work concerns by study of potential curve and dissociation energy for Diatomic molecule SiO which is founded in supernova ejecta type II. Dissociation energy had been calculated theoretically for ground state X1+ and excited state A1 of SiO molecule by Gayden relation and by depending on spectroscopic constants for this molecule. Our results are compared with experimental results and appear good convergence, also showed an important effect for bond length (r) for occur the dissociation. The potential of this molecule is studied in this work by using new five parameters potential function, the results appear that potential curve of SiO molecule for ground state X1+ and excited state A1 converge with experimental results.
Keywords: New five parameters function, dissociation energy
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Pages: 1211 - 1214
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