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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Reflection of The Chemistry Practical Work Activity in The Undergraduate Degree's Study Program of Public Health STIKES Dharma Husada Bandung
Nina Rosliana, Anna Permanasari
Abstract: Chemistry was the study field that is examined the empirical facts in the nature, so it is needed an assessment in the laboratory that is designed as a miniature of the universe to learn it. This study is conducted to determine the result reflection of chemistry practical work activity of undergraduate degrees students of Public Health STIKES Dharma Husada Bandung. Therefore, the students of undergraduate degrees study program of Public Health have the diverse of educational backgrounds, many of them who came from the non-science, so it is deemed necessary to know a more real chemistry, in order to be more easily to accept, namely through the practical work. The result is used to determine the strategy and method in guiding a practical work, so that it would be obtained the optimal learning result. The method used were a survey, using a rubric and questionnaire. The model design of its research was an observational description, to see a reflection of the students chemistry practical work activity. The number of samples were 31 people. The result showed that the students are liked to the practical works activity and became more interested in their interest to learn chemistry. The positive research result is indicated that the practical work was an important to be implemented for the students university, especially for the participant with the non-science educational background, in order they can to know the chemistry easily. The weakness in this practical work such as, the limitation of the laboratory facilities, namely completeness of the laboratory room, such as the less of exhouse fan and acid case, the practical works equipments are also limited, so the students should be in group and toke turns to using it, whereas the students have already excited to follow the practical work. The result of this study is needed to be further developed, by developing the strategy and the practical method that can be overcome the weaknesses that found.
Keywords: reflection, practical work, chemistry, introducing, non-science
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Pages: 1252 - 1257
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