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Research Paper | Linguistics | Iraq | Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Linguistics Study of New Trends in Translation as a Speech to Act
Riyad Sarhan Jabbar
Abstract: Machine translation is the only available alternative to human translation. Thus, evaluating machine translation software, is very important to improve the performance of these software. This study aims to highlight the difference between human translation and machine translation with reference to speech to text program. In this study, the approaches of translation are mentioned as direct approach, interlingua approach, and the transfer approach. The problem of this program is with the literary translation more than the other types of translation as scientific and idioms. The most accurate is the scientific one as this study proves. As a solution to overcome the problem of literary translation is that machine translation software should be modified and updated continuously, so that they can keep pace with the follow of literary terms. Also, the study shows the advantages and disadvantages of using machine translation. Moreover, the work illustrates the types of linguistic problems encountered in machine translation, and some solutions to overcome these problems.
Keywords: Translation, Machine Translation, Translation software, speech, Text, Transfer approach, Interlingua approach
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Pages: 347 - 357
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